Business Impact Analysis (BIA)

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It is notable that the Business Impact Analysis (BIA) is a fundamental tool that provides business consistency in any enterprise. Why is it fundamental? BIA is necessary for the generation of disaster recovery plans or for ensuring that an enterprise remains consistent. It permits business directors to determine information technology processes and critical elements within an organization. In addition, a BIA describes the period required for an enterprise unit to complete and supply deliveries to its clients along with any resources necessary to continue business operations. Business Impact analysis could be relevant in multiple areas. For instance, a business impact analysis could be relevant in cloud computing. This is because the emergence of cloud computing exhibits a rudimentary transformation in how information technology services are developed, invented, scaled, deployed, paid for, and maintained.
Today, computing is a paradox because computers are rapidly becoming powerful yet the cost of producing them is falling. As a result, computing is emerging as changing trend in the business society. Most clients are heavy users cloud computing owing to statistics that 30.2 percent of cloud computing services are projected to go public by 2018 (…………….). In fact, it is obvious that the number of global users of cloud computing services such as social media, email, mobile application users, and gaming are rapidly increasing. Thus, the entrepreneurs are embracing cloud computing as a sufficient solution for improving business agility while reducing costs. This paper is a business impact analysis on cloud computing because it provides a detailed description, technology, future trends, examples of companies, regulatory is...

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... Microsoft that joined the industry later, Google and Amazon have been running cloud services for some time. This led to the development of privacy and regulatory concerns in the field. For instance, outsourcing data storage services to third parties is risky owing to the leakage of information and data. Consequently, end-users of cloud services are advised to use service level agreements that can protect them from such shortcomings.
The use of cloud computing has implications in the entire globe. This is because statistics reveals that development of cloud computing can generate €88 billion to the EU gross domestic product by 2020. Additionally, it can lead to both the loss and the creation of jobs. Considering the legal, issues, future trends and the implications of cloud computing, it sufficed to conclude that the industry has numerous potential for growth.

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