The Boston Massacre and the American Revolution

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The Boston Massacre was an important event in U.S. history, that lead to the American

Revolution. This event brought attention to the unfair ways the British soldiers were treating the colonists. The British were treating the colonists unfairly by taxing them and using their homes for shelter and food. They used them for food by making them make meals for them to eat and if the colonist was a farmer with horses they would also take the horses. I will talk about the famous lawyer John Adams and other events that happened in the Boston Massacre.
On the evening of March 5, 1770, a group of kids came up to a British soldier. The soldier was alone so the kids thought that he would be an easy target to pick on. The kids approached the soldier and started calling him names and throwing stuff at him. The soldier got mad and started yelling at the kids, asking them to stop. A group of colonists saw the soldier yelling at the kids and started crowding the soldier.
The soldier called for backup, when they got there they tried to settle down the crowd. The crowd just kept closing in on the s...

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