The Biomes of Earth

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There are many types of biomes and there is also a good variety of ways to their classification. Rainforest, grassland, marine system, and freshwater system

Grassland is mostly covered by grass. Moderately dry climate conditions and season disturbances, such as floods and fire are conductive to the growth of grasses and prohibitive of trees and shrubs. Grasslands are found in tropical, subtropical, and temperate regions. There are a couple of types of grasslands. Plant life is susceptible to fires. Fires tend to originate more frequently near human population. There are savannas which is basically tropical grassland and Great Plains are temperate zone, and steppes. These ecosystems are dominated by grasses and shrubs and trees are limited. Savanna is a type of grassland that have scattered trees around. Savannas have annual rainfall of 20 to 50 inches a year. It is found to be warm or hot climates, and have long period of drought when fire occur. Tropical grassland have scattered shrubs and trees are found near the equator. Temperatures are warmer and more stable than grasslands. There are two different types of grassland; tall grass and short grass. In the summer, it can be as high as 80ºF and in winter, the temperature can be as low as -30ºF. In the grassland there are basically two season; growing and dormant seasons. The length of growing season is determined by how long rainy season last. In temperature grassland the average rainfall ranges from 10-40inches. Most common types of plants on the North America prairie are sunflowers, clovers, wild indigos, and buffalo grass. Common animals in the grassland are coyotes, wild turkeys, eagles, bison, and crickets. Other animals in the savanna include zebras, buffaloes, snakes, giraffes, lions, hyenas, and kangaroos.
Human population has a major impact on all biomes. Grasslands are disappearing due to the dividing land for farming and urban developments. People are building cities, roads, and schools near these grasslands which are causing them to disappear. People are illegally poaching endangered animals like tigers, prairie dogs, elephants, and leopards. Farmers are killing prairie dogs. Bison population almost became extinct due to the overhunting for their fur. Lands are being converted into cropland, and reducing the food source for the wild animals. Grassland is becoming vulnerable due to global warming. The weather pattern and water availability can throw area off balance and change it forever. In northern Europe, grassland is much influenced by livestock grazing.

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