The Benefits of a Vegetative Cover

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In the fields, the pollution can be finding in the crops and in the way of planting. Uses of chemicals products, such as pesticides and fertilizers, can be dangerous for the human and the nature. For humans, because of the contamination that some products, such as pesticides and herbicids (for weed control), can cause when it is apply, by the exposure to it. This products, because their are dangerous for the human health, has to follow rules of application and in restriction quantity (1). And when applied by a person, this has to own special clothes and accessories (like gloves and glasses) to their security, to not be exposure at the toxicity of the substance. But sometimes this safe procedure do not happens. The pesticides find in countries that are developing in commercial agriculture when are used by subsistence farmers, is harmful because they are not familiar with potential injuries and safety procedures (World Health Organization&United Nations Environment Programme, 1990). Causing sickness or developing cancer in the farms, and the chances of cancer incidence is higher in farmers, and persons who works with pesticide application than in general population (Dich.J, 1997).

Another aspect that can cause toxicity to human is the residues of pesticides finding in mostly of food like vegetables, fruits, and grain. And its possible that pesticides is related with the cause of cancer, tumors and others diseases and sickness (Dick.J, 1997). Because of the relationship of residual pesticides and development of diseases, many persons are adopting organics’ foods. Chosen vegetables and fruits that are produced without the addiction of pesticides, and second Christine McCullum-Gómez (2010),list some of common used fruits and vegetabl...

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