Autonomy In The Work Force: The puzzle of Motivation, a Video by Dan Pink

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The people should be aware of a lot of things in work force and autonomy is one people should be aware of as much as the rest of the problems, because it shows that people who use different ways to finish works but get yelled at which decreases motivation to the worker who tried hard and used a different way than what they were taught. Autonomy is the state of acting separately from others. During the time of working you see different people doing the thing they were asked in their own way for example, when I do dishes at D’angelo we have a wash sink, a rinse sink, and a sanitize sink, if I didn’t have much dishes to do I would finish them all before letting them be immersed for a minute as it states on the sticker above it, but I get yelled at for doing that and I have to do it a certain way. Because in the work force your expected to do the things your asked the way the boss wants you to do this but if you do that thing he asked your way you get in trouble. This issue isn’t such a big deal to everyone but the fact is that this is a big problem. People like to get things done their own way that they feel is more effective to them and not the way their boss wants the person to do that task because they feel that it might take longer the way the person taught them to do it. Some of the times people want to do things their way for a while and see if it works and if they find out it works then they'll keep doing so and in return get yelled at when the boss says “you're doing this wrong”. This even goes for the way that person works and you want to be just like them at work as well, it happens often and it feels like this issue needs to be addressed. During the article “Worker Autonomy can lead to Greater Productivity, Satisfaction” by Rick Nauert, the author explains, “Autonomy can take many different forms. Organization may let employers set their own schedule, choose how to do their work or even elect to work from home.” This is what they call the results-only work environment (ROWE) for short, this method makes it easier for people to go into work when they want, work on things they want, and do this the way they want to do it.

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