Audio Effects of The Family of Man

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From the first scene to the last, director and producer Stanley Kubrick, takes control of and masters all facets of the movie, especially the sound and audio effects. Director Stanley Kubrick uses audio effects to accentuate the plot. The audio effects are crucial to understanding the movies hidden meaning. He relies on the feelings and thoughts that he wants to be portrayed to come through the sounds that accompany the scenes and uses the audio to subtly convey information and emotions. Bill Blackmore’s critique of the use of sounds in “The Family of Man”, is mostly correct, with the exception of a few missed audio/ musical pieces that seem to have been overlooked that hold importance.
Blakemore, analyzes the audio used in “The Shining” and interprets it very well. He focuses on the idea that he formulates, which states that the audio is meant to relay to the audience that they were in fact the very ones that massacred the Native Americans (Blakemore). “The moviegoers are largely unaware of this soundtrack...just seen a movie about themselves, about what people like them have done to the American Indians and to others”. Blakemore is partially correct in his analysis of Stanley Kubrick's “The Shining”, he leaves some audio splices out that hold a lot of significance in understanding the films meaning, such as the bouncing ball splice.
Bill Blakemore makes many great points with regards to the sound effects used in the film. Bill Blakemore points out that the opening scene and the accompanying music is quite like “the major funeral mass of the European Roman Catholic Church” and likens the whole movie to a funeral (Blakemore). The Volkswagen, a child of Hitler’s Germany, highlights the movies genocidal undertone (Blakemore). Bla...

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...rything in the Shining has the ability to Shine. So, it could be said that Wendy was actively “shining” with the colonists and the Native Americans, and her clothing and actions adhere to this idea. Jack, seems to be “shining” with the European immigrants, because like them, he tries to kill the Native Americans, in this case, Danny and Wendy.
Bill Blakemore’s expose “The Family of Man” serves as a partially correct analysis of the sound effects used in Stanley Kubrick’s interpretation of Stephen King's “The Shining”. Except for a couple pieces of audio that were overlooked and hold more significance than they are given credit for. The music used throughout the film is meant to transcend time. The audio and musical effects in Stanley Kubrick's’ rendition of The Shining are paramount to understanding the whole experience and the underlying meaning of the film.

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