Attention Hyperactive Impulsive Defecit Disorder

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ATTENTION HYPERACTIVE- IMPULSIVE DEFICIT DISORDER INTRODUCTION Attention Hyperactive- impulsive Deficit Disorder, or also known as ADHD, is under the category of IDEA, which is the Other Health Impairments. It is considered as one of the most common childhood mental disorder, affecting more than one in every twenty children (Shaw, 2008). Moreover, this condition can continue through adolescence and adulthood. IDEA defines it as a neurobiological-based developmental disorder in children and adults with a persistent pattern of problems in the areas of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity that is more frequent and severe than is typically observed in individuals at a comparable level of development. DSM IV defined ADHD as same as IDEA, however, it made clear that some symptoms like hyperactivity-impulsivity or inattentiveness must shown before onset seven years old and some impairments of it should be present at least at two settings to rule out the possibility that the behaviour is just a reaction to a certain teacher and parental control. Moreover, it said that there must be a clear evidence of interference with developmentally appropriate social, academic or occupational functioning. Nonetheless, persons with Schizophrenia, Pervasive Developmental Disorder or any Psychotic Disorders and mental conditions are cannot be accounted of having ADHD. ADHD can be classified into three types, the predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive and the combined type. The predominantly inattentive type, these are the persons who have more problems in keeping themselves focused and concentrate on a specific thing – they have limited attention span. Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive, these persons are very energetic... ... middle of paper ... ... Disorder. (n.d.). Language Disorders and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Retrieved March 20, 2014, from • Barkley, R. ADHD Acquired type Retrieved from • Barkley, R. ADHD Emotional Regulation Retrieved from • Barkley, R. ADHD Family Genetics and Traits Retrieved from • Barkley, R. ADHD Hyperactivity and Multi-tasking Retrieved from • Barkley, R. ADHD Intention Deficit Disorder Retrieved from • Barkley, R. ADHD Is Not A Gift Retrieved from • Barkley, R. ADHD More than an Attention Problems Retrieved from

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