Article Analysis: It Doesn't Matter

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ABSTRACT: The evolution of Information Technology acted like a thrust in boosting the business. Many organizations invested lot of money to build IT infrastructure and analysis also indicates a rise in the percentage of amount that companies are investing in IT. IT acts as a bridge between companies and the customer’s and also brings together all the branches of an organization. The way IT is viewed has change over the time, earlier executives of an organization believed that computers, typewriters etc are meant for the lower level staff; but the trend has changed completely, managers of an organization emphasize about the value of using information technology to gain an edge over their competitors and are supporting the idea of digitizing business models. Many companies started hiring chief information officers and some of them are relying on strategy consulting firms. IT is viewed as a resource which has the potential to influence the economy. But investing heavily on IT could prove to be disastrous. A clear strategy should exist and management has to make sure that the infrastructure implemented does match with the requirements. In current scenario the technologies like data storage, data processing, and data transport is available to all and as a result of this technology is viewed more like commodity factors than an essential resource for planning strategies. This trend started because of the abundant availability of technology at moderate price. By looking at the potential of information technology, companies overlooked at the fact that; the potential value of any technology remains until it gives an edge over the rivals by bringing a change in the organization and by helping the organization to do something that others... ... middle of paper ... ...failed to realize that heuristics of opinion cannot become the base of manifestation. While evaluating the importance of technology he relied on statistics rather than considering capabilities of skilled workers who utilize the technology. If we assume his view that is more philosophical and social, by doing so it’s not going to hamper the progress of the company unlike technical progress. He mentions that System information was neglected while the companies were investing huge amounts in infrastructure and telecommunications but changes in skills and methods is an ongoing process since centuries and are not made without any dent, this view point is not been discussed in the article which might come as a surprise to few readers of the article. References: 1. G.Carr, N. ( May 2003). IT doesn't Matter. References: 1. G.Carr, N. ( May 2003). IT doesn't Matter.

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