Arguments for Further Amendments to the NDPS Act

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Ministry of Finance (MoF) backed by the Prime minister’s office(PMO) has decided to consider the option of further amending the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act (NDPS) 1985 in the winter parliament session of 2015. The Ministry of Finance is expected to propose groundbreaking amendments which allow the state to introduce legal regulation of certain illicit drugs, including the decriminalization of marijuana possession. It is in this context that the Harm Reduction International – India Chapter (HRI-IC) has decided to commission this policy brief to provide recommendations that we believe should not be left out of the policy reform.

Punitive measures under the NDPS Act has done very little to deter drug use or drug trafficking in India. Consumption of opium and Heroin is been steadily increasing since the introduction of NDPS bill in 1985 (Das, 2012). Empirical evidence indicates that the present policy of criminalization and incarceration has done very little to deter drug use. UNODC baseline survey indicates that 23% of prisoners in India have been apprehended for drug related offence – most have been apprehended for possession and/or consumption of ‘illicit’ drugs listed under the NDPS Act. Inside the prisons, there is evidence of sexual abuse faced by drug users and increasing drug consumption (IHRN, 2009). The NDPS Act, instead of deterring drug use has only served to abuse and de-humanize drug users.

Drug policy reform in India is a principled and necessary step to enable us to address the underlying issues of marginalization and freedom. HRI-IC strongly believes that the nation needs to rework its drug policy to adopt ...

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The Hindu. (2014, FEB). Lok Sabha passes amended narcotic drugs bill. Retrieved from The Hindu: bill/article5710661.ece

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UNDOC. (2010). World Drug Report. Retrieved from UNDOC: pdf

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