Are Standardized Tests Good Indicators of Student Capabilities?

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“One test result is the worth one-thousand expert opinions.” The result of standardized testing can establish many results but do they imply the true capabilities of a student or their ability to study for the test. I will discuss in this paper what the arguments on both sides are for standardized testing. The notion of testing is due to the obsession of people to classify people, the ‘mental defectives’ from the ‘gifted’ in the population. Historically the test were conducted by people who had high social power so the test were culturally biased because the lower class couldn’t pass them. For instance, the IQ tests that were done during the World War I were the recruits were asked to state what was missing in a picture and most of the times the pictures were things, such as a violin, cards, bowling alley and tennis court etc., which people who weren’t in the elite circle might not have been exposed to. Just because they weren’t exposed to them that doesn’t mean they were of lower mental capabilities. However that was in the past. Even though we don’t face such an issue since the test-makers are trying to be as culturally neutral as possible when they are making the tests, like being careful with their wording etc., but they are other problems that are still present. Some of the common standard test are the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) and the Canadian Achievement Test (CAT). To its supporters, standardized testing is the pre-eminent way. In addition it is also an inexpensive way to assess the capabilities of the students, how well the teachers teach, and to decide where a school does stands in terms of its achievement. Furthermore they are deemed as the fairest form of assessment and can... ... middle of paper ... ...h what would be coming in the test. So my opinion is that standardized test do more harm than good and I am against them Works Cited • Garrett, R. (2014). Is standardized testing failing our kids? | [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 6 Feb 2014]. • Jasmine Evans, J. (2014). Problems with standardized testing | [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 6 Feb 2014]. • Menken, K. (2008). English learners left behind. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters Ltd • Vescio, V., Ross, D. & Adams, A. (2008). A review of research on the impact of professional learning communities on teaching practice and student learning. Teaching And Teacher Education, 24 (1), pp. 80--91. • Young, L. (2004). Standardized Testing in Schools.

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