The Mid-life Crisis

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Mid-life Crisis 1 Mid-life transition can be seen as a difficult process because it is the point of our lives where we start to accept the end of our youth and begin the process of aging. For those who do not have a smooth emotional transition can suffer from a mid-life crisis. What is mid-life crisis? Someone who would be going through a “Mid-life crisis” is that of the age between 40 and 60("Development in midlife," 2004). It is the point during our lives where we go through periods of self-doubt, this is a natural and normal process ("Development in midlife," 2004). A mid-life crisis can be triggered by different experiences, for instance, children leaving the home, death of a parent or someone close, mid-life transition to menopause or andropause affairs, unemployment or underemployment, and hating the job or career and unable to change because they feel stuck("Development in midlife," 2004). This can result in a need to make changes in our lives or situations on day-to-day aspects ("Development in midlife," 2004). This can mean changes in our job or career, physical appearance, relationships, high expenditures, marriage, and our work life (O'Conner, & Wolfe, 1987). Some of these processes can have smooth changes where as some can have major life changes (O'Conner, & Wolfe, 1987). For some people, a mid-life crisis can be a smooth emotional transition or it can be more complicated. It can be complicated in the sense that it can be an uncomfortable experience emotionally and can result to depression or the need for psychotherapy ("Development in midlife," 2004). This transition can be seen as a difficult time for people and those who have a hard time may experience a wide range of emotions. Some Mid-life Crisis 2 ... ... middle of paper ... y14583884v35v178/ Mid-life Crisis 10 O'Conner, D.J., & Wolfe, D.M. (1987). On managing midlife transition in career and family. Human Relations, 40(12), Retrieved from doi: 10.1177/001872678704001202 Santrock, J.W, MacKenzie-Rivers, A., Leung, K.H, & Malcomson, T. (2008). Life-span development. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson. Slater, C.L. (2003). Generativity versus stagnation: an elaboration of erikson's adult stage of human development. Journal of Adult Development, 10(1), Retrieved from x5828746642026v1/ Wethington , E. (2000). Expecting stress: americans and the “midlife crisis". Motivation and Emotion,24(2), Retrieved from

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