Animal Testing Should Be Banned

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Ricky Gervais, an English comedian and actor, once said, "Dear intelligent people of the world, don't get shampoo in your eyes. It really stings. There. Done. Now f***ing stop torturing animals." (Gervais). Although people may receive Mr. Gervais’ words as harsh, his message contains truth, that people need to stop testing on animals. Animals need to stop being the center of laboratory and farm experiments, or at least given more rights to protect their general welfare and life. Scientists started using animals in testing in 1851 as a part of learning in the classroom at universities (ProQuest). Animals started to be used because doing the experiments on humans would be viewed as unethical and inhumane, but should not the treatment of animals be seen as unethical and inhumane too? The experiments that use animals to test everything from cosmetics to scientific advancements often offer no help to the companies. Animals used to test the effect of certain ingredients do not have the same biology as humans, so the testing often harms or kills thousands of animals and humans a year because of faulty testing (Greek “Animal Experimentation is Unscientific” 87). The same goes for the animals used to test the effect of different ingredients in our food and whether or not it causes cancer or other health conditions. This food comes from a factory farm, defines it as “a farm in which animals are bred and fattened using modern industrial methods” (“Factory Farms”). Factory Farms produce many bad products, including the meat that comes from them. Factory farms produce the meat that a person would see when they walk into a grocery store. Many animal rights activists believe that the modern activist movement started in 1975 with t... ... middle of paper ... .... Web. 19 December 2013. Pacheco, Alex. Anna Francione. “The Silver Spring Monkeys Case.” The Animal Rights Movement. Ed. Kelly Wand. Farmington Hills: Greenhaven Press, 2003. 187-202. Print. Park, Miyun. “The Globalization of Animal Welfare: More Food Does Not Require More Suffering.” Foreign Affairs: p. 122. Mar/Apr 2012. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 25 Nov. 2013 Regan, Tom. “Why Animals Have Rights.” The Animal Rights Movement. Ed. Kelly Wand. Farmington Hills: Greenhaven Press, 2003. 116-128. Print. Singer, Peter. “Henry Spira and the Draize Campaign.” The Animal Rights Movement. Ed. Kelly Wand. Farmington Hills: Greenhaven Press, 2003. 174-186. Print. Staff, ProQuest. Animal Rights Timeline. Leading Issues Timelines, 2013. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 22 Nov. 2013. Weeks, Jennifer. “Factory Farms.” CQ Researcher. 12 Jan 2007.

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