Andrew Marvell’s Carpe Diem

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Andrew Marvell’s To His Coy Mistress is all about seize the day, but it’s really more than just Carpe Diem poem. It’s about Carpe diem relating to morality, freedom, and sex roles. The morality, freedom and sex roles were very important at the time period when this poem was written because there was civil war going on and because of the war, I’m sure people would have been afraid of future that they have to face. There must have been many questions but wondering how much time is left with them must be the most curious and worried subject. Amongst those people, Andrew Marvell must have been one of them, and I’m assuming he must have been highly influenced by the events where he must have been exposed to when he was alive. And his poem To His Coy Mistress would be one of the literatures that were written under the impression and pressure.
I believe many writers reflect their thoughts into their literate works. It would be hard not to be influenced by the environment and the world that you are exposed to. I believe Andrew Marvell’s To his coy mistress is one of them because this poem is considered as one of the Carpe Diem poem.
To his coy mistress begins with the speaker complaining about how there isn’t enough time for him and the mistress to have a romantic relationship. The speaker begins by carefully explaining to his mistress about why she shouldn't be coy with him. He states that the mistress’s coyness is an actual criminal act just by saying, “Had we but world enough, and time, this coyness, lady, were no crime.” So the speaker is beginning with a strong expression by making her into a criminal for being coy with him. The speaker is being very clear about what he wants and what he wants is to have sex with th...

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...t out of every moment and do our best to enjoy every moment so we are not left with regrets. I think Carpe diem was a big deal long time ago and it still is now. You may be able to control everything that is happening in your life but what you have to remember is that no one can control time and that time will never wait for anyone. Therefore, you need to enjoy every moment and think about how precious that moment is.

Works Cited

Joseph J. Moldenhauer. “The Voices of Seduction in “To His Coy Mistress”: A Rhetorical Analysis.” Texas Studies in Literature and Language 10.2. (1968): 189-206. University of Texas Press. Web. 29 Nov. 2013.

Robert H. Ray. “Marvell’s ‘To His Coy Mistress’ and Sandys’s Translation of Ovid’s Metamorphoses.” The Review of English studies, New Series 44.175. (Aug, 1993):386-388. Oxford University Press. Web. 29 Nov. 2013.

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