An Intimate View of a Performing Arts Center

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An Intimate View of a Performing Arts Center

Audience: My audience will be any adult or mature teenager

who enjoys attending plays and/or concerts in a theater or playhouse.

The Performing Arts Center at the University of South Alabama is an

ideal auditorium for watching a play or concert because of the intimacy one feels with the

stage and the players upon it. A good view of the stage is never lost within the

comfortable seating of the theatre and the great acoustics, lighting and overall cleanliness of the place heightens the audience’s experience. As compared to the Biloxi Saenger Theater, Performing Arts Center is the better choice for any playgoer or music lover.

Essential to any theater or playhouse is some type of view, from great to horrible.

Every seat must have one even if the audience member only sees the players on the stage

as a small blur of color. The Saenger Theater is a larger auditorium, with an upper

balcony of seats over the ground rows. The view provided by the last row on the balcony

is poor. One sees the entire stage, but people and objects are very distant and their faces and details indistinguishable. The theater is much smaller and all the seats are on one floor, with each row of chairs a few inches higher than the previous. A position on the last rows does little to diminish the great quality of the view. The distance from the stage is no too far and such close proximity provides an intimate experience with the production.

How well the words of an actor or the music from a symphony carry from the

stage and throughout the audience is a factor that should always be met with satisfaction

in any theater. Because of the small size of the center, sound reaches all corners

of the auditori...

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...are so soft one could

easily fall asleep during a quiet piano recital. In the Saenger Theater of Biloxi beige seats that are far less cushioned than the aforesaid chairs of the theater hold the audience in place. To nap in the Saenger is a more difficult task even if the music or play is of the most tedious quality.

For a more personal experience with the actors of a play or the musicians of a

concert, one may look no further than the productions held in the Performing

Arts Center. With an unending good view, exemplary acoustics, clear lighting,

cleanliness and comfy seating, the Center treats the audience with a better show

than the larger Biloxi Saenger Theater. It lacks such comfortable seating and such

closeness to the stage is impossible is impossible to the general public—the first front

rows are reserved for the paying member of the theater’s guild.

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