An Argument for Conservatism

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Neoconservatism is a variant of the conservative ideology which holds positions that fall between traditional and individualistic conservatism (Ball and Dagger, 2011b, p. 113). Many of the ideas and beliefs that neoconservatives hold, which continue to evolve today, were developed in the 1970s by “disillusioned liberal intellectuals” as a result of the tumultuous societal conditions that were occurring in the United States at the time (Ball and Dagger, 2011a, p. 170). To elaborate more fully, author Irving Kristol, the man known as the godfather of neoconservatives, says, “Many neoconservatives can be described as disenchanted welfare liberals. Once enthusiastic supporters of President Lyndon Johnson’s ‘Grand Society’ programs in the 1960s, these neoconservatives became disillusioned with these programs and with the general direction of welfare liberalism” (Ball and Dagger, 2011b, p. 113). Besides Irving Kristol, some of the other well known individuals who have helped contribute to the development and direction of neoconservatism over the past few decades include Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Norman Podhoretz, UN Ambassador Jeanne Kirkpatrick, Nathan Glazer, and Dick and Lynne Cheney (Ball and Dagger, 2011b, p. 113). While I personally do not adhere to this ideology, and there are many features I completely disagree with, I will nevertheless stake an affirmative argument for neoconservatism and write as if I am an actual supporter. This is beneficial as it will allow me to empathize with others and put myself in the position of those with whom I disagree. What follows is an argument for a few of the merits of neoconservatism concerning its stance on economic and foreign policy issues.
From an economic standpoint, neoco...

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... economic plan to follow. I also absolutely agree with the neoconservative idea that the U.S. must use its military power and strength to advance our national interests. These, along with all the points made above, are a few of the reasons why I consider myself to be a neoconservative and why I believe that neoconservatism is the best form of conservatism for our modern times.

Works Cited

Ball, Terence, and Richard Dagger. Ideals and Ideologies: A Reader. 8th ed. Boston: Longman, 2011a.
Ball, Terence, and Richard Dagger. Political Ideologies and the Democratic Ideal. 8th ed. Boston: Longman, 2011b.
Fukuyama, Francis. America at the Crossroads: Democracy, Power, and the Neoconservative Legacy. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006.
Steinfels, Peter. The Neoconservatives: The Men Who Are Changing America’s Politics. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1979.

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