Americans Are the Heaviest in the World

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Death! The number one killer. America is considered the heaviest nation in the world, and that’s a problem that can be easily fixed. By simply eating healthier, and one way to start that is by eating a healthy breakfast. Anna Hodgekiss states that “people who eat a healthy breakfast with eggs, toast, O.J, and things with a high nutrition content, have lost more weight throughout a year period, than those who don’t eat or eat an unhealthy sugary breakfast. Certain foods that are considered a necessity in today’s society are unhealthy to consumers because they contain large amounts of sugar and calories leading to health problems. But that isn’t the way it used to be and isn’t the way it should be today. Unhealthy eating is a main cause for obesity in today’s society, and is why people must eat healthy.
America! Considered the greatest nation in the world. It is also considered the heaviest nation in the world. Daily News reports that “scientists have calculated that there is over 3.9 million tons of extra weight in the people of America. Asia accounts for more than 61 percent of the world’s population, but only accounts for 13 percent of its obesity. But why is this true? Why is America the heaviest nation in the world? Well, it’s all because of sugar. Whole body research states that “there is a natural parasite in your body called Candida”, a parasite that starts to infest and take over when eating too much sugar.
In 1950, when sugar started to be used heavily in foods, people started to notice weight gain while consuming these products and they all stopped buying them. This quickly irritated
Hawley 2 and scared the big food companies such as Quaker oats, Coca-Cola, General Mills and so much more, to take action ...

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...should be able to create, make, and sell products that are healthy for the body.
Certain foods that are considered a necessity in today’s coulter are unhealthy to consumers because they contain large amounts of sugar and calories leading to health problems. But that isn’t the way it used to be and isn’t the way it should be today. We as Americans have the ability to be the healthiest nation in the world, but we choose otherwise. Back 3 to 400 years ago, people had to rely on their sources which were fruits from trees and vegetables that grew from the ground. Not a cup of noodles full of salt, or a processed piece of meat from Taco Bell. All in all, we need to open our eyes and realize that we need to eat healthy and live life happily, not stressed out and depressed. America! Considered the greatest nation in the world, why not also be considered the healthiest?

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