American Women in Society

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Throughout history women in the Americas have played a mayor role in society. In a time where women could take care of themselves, they could own property and enforce laws. Even after their rights were taken away by the arrival of the Europeans in 1462. Women did not have control over themselves, could not own property and did not have political rights. They continue to have a big influence on the construction of the US government. Today times have changed, women are fighting back and taking charge of their freedom. Women now are once again gaining power over themselves and gaining political rights. In early america, women were given equal rights as men; when the Europeans arrived women were striped of their equalities, and no longer had control over themselves, overtime women have fought back and now they have regained their freedom. Women in the Americas before Europeans had a certain level of control over their individual selves. For most cases a family was based on the women, when a women got married the husband had to move into the wives household. Women owned property for the majority of the time, when they had to divorce from their husbands they were not affected of loosing her property. This meant that everything that a women had earn and punched was hers to keep and the husband did not have any authority to take it away. This also meant that the husband had to move and look for a new home somewhere else. For the majority of the time women had power over plantations and fields that generated income and food for the family table. The ability to have a say over plantations meant that they were the bosses and that were able to shape their community in a maternal way the same way a mother takes cares of a newborn. With thi... ... middle of paper ... ...iend, a women, a mother. They are responsible of shaping history and the survival of humanity. Man should not forget the struggles of women and how far they have become. Man has to remember women as our mothers of history and the mothers of our children and grandchildren because without the strength of a women humanity will not survive. Works Cited Zinn, Howard. A People's History of America. New York, New York, USA. HarperCollins Publishers, 1995. Published January 24,

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