The American Underclass in In Life at the Bottom by Theodore Dalrymple

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In Life at the Bottom, Dalrymple is suggesting that the description of the poor is changing and that using poverty and hunger can no longer fully cover all of the lower class. That new characteristics have risen, that many of the lower class have adopted. That those that are violent, those that have agonies and emptiness, and those that have horrid morals are now the way to depict the lower class. Dalrymple also argues that in order to rise out of the underclass that family ties are needed and without it there is hardly any way to do so. Dalrymple says that many of the issues that plague the underclass comes from a bourgeoisie society, that this upper class of liberals are feeding and fueling all of the problems and mentality that are taken on by the underclass.
Some of the points that where stated by Dalrymple can in fact be transitioned towards the United States in today’s economy. Violence is something that is talked about a lot in the book, from abusive men, criminals, and organized group violence. Some of these sectors of violence can be a contributing factor into the United States underclass while others do not fit. They will be talked about later in this essay though. Criminals and organized group violence or gangs have been around for many years, but as of late in America it has been on a steady climb. Where in some aspects gangs and crime are glorified and upheld as a standard for younger people to look up to and one day possibly aim for. Does not matter if it is joining a gang, running a drug and illegal weapons ring, or even as simple as stealing. These examples have held down the underclass in America they are constantly present and sometimes are unavoidable. For example, if a gang has control over a selected area wh...

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...that can be used to describe the American underclass are crime violence, emptiness or depression, and horrid morals we are taught as children. It is because of desperation that violent crimes still thrive and until people realize this then violent crime will still keep the underclass suppressed. With depression people slowly become former shells of themselves and do nothing to make their and others situations better. While others are not relevant like violence within abusive men and agony in the underclass, because violence in men cannot be track accurately to be predicted and Americans have learned to survive and it is in human nature to want to live on. Dalrymple is a great expert about the underclass, he has a great insight thanks to his position as a doctor he has made some great contributions into the liberal upper class and how they affect those below them.

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