Effect of aggregation status on soil Potassium in Illitic

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He title "illite" allocates to a group of mica-type minerals which is widely distributed in marine shales and related sediments. Illite as the consequence of potassium depletion, has less potassium and has more water molecules than true micas resembling muscovite, but anyhow it has micalike sheet structure, moreover, it possesses interlayer micro pores and is poorly crystallized. Product of muscovite weathering is illite which under humid condition this product alters to montmorillonite. Illite, as an expandable 2:1 clay mineral, is known as source of soil potassium as well accounted as a K bearing minerals (Sharma et al., 2010). The main mineral type of Golestan province locating in north-east of Iran besides Caspian Sea, is illite mineral (Movahedi Naeini and Amini, 2013). This zone is one of the most important agricultural areas in Iran. Golestan district contains Superabundantly Loess soils and is well-known for its loess derived fertile soils. (Khormali and Ajami, 2011). Combination of loess soils characteristics, transitive micro particles possessing high specific surface area that are presents in this zone which are not achievable in XRD-samples and finally high quantity of illite mineral turn this area to a unique and special place from every aspect for varied researches and studies. The measure of measured SSA through these illitic loess soil is usually over 100 m2/gr and quantity of illite external specific surface area is high (Alaedin, 2011). Like the soils containing montmorillonite minerals (Vertisols), this sort of soils (illitic loess soil) face with swelling and shrinkage process frequently, too. But in comparison with the rate of this process for the first type soils, shrinkage and swelling rate in the illitic so...

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