The Age Of Enlightenment

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The Age of Enlightenment was the period of scientific Awakening; The Age of Enlightenment was mainly around France. The starting point of the Enlightenment was John Locke’s book on Human understanding. The enlightenment attacked the church head on focusing on issues that had been avoided in the past. This took courage to try to defy the church. The Enlightenment let people question anything such as “was the earth the center of the universe” like the church said it was.

There were 4 main areas which changed occurred was in Religion, Intellectual, Economic, and political.

The Scientific Revolution

The Scientific Revolution is considered part of Europe “Age of Discovery” Christopher Columbus discovered new plants, animals, and even new humans. Ocean travel required large amounts of intense observation and mappings of the sky’s and the stars. Because of that the Scientific Revolution began with the field of Astronomy. As Science advanced false facts were obliterated. Scientist such as Newton, Galileo, and Copernicus their discoveries were easily understood and led to even more ground breaking discoveries.

The Scientific Revolution began in Europe in 1543 and ended in 1600. In this period the middle traded their previous thoughts that involved supernatural activity and began to focus on making money and achieving fame. In the renascence the scientists turned away from sociological and supernatural ideas and started thinking and choose to analyze life and nature in their physical and mechanical principles.

Sir Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton was born 1642 prematurely on charismas day in woolsthrope a town near Grantham in Lincolnshire. Isaac had no father and small enough to fit into a crock pot. His mother Hanna placed him with his grand mother in order to remarry and raise a second family with her new husband. Hanna returned in 1653 after the death of her second husband. Newton was denied affection from his mother because of his complex personality. Newton’s childhood was far from happy and throughout his life had emotional collapses and occasionally falling into violent attacks on his friend and his enemies.

In 1653 he was taken out of school and made to fulfill his birthright as a farmer. It didn’t work. In June 1661 he left woolsthrope and left for Cambridge University. Newton had a bad start at Cambridge he was one of the poorest students in his grammar classes. In 1661 he entered trinity college by 1665 he was writing “Fluxions” and the law of Gravitation.

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