Adderall: Mircle or Curse Drug

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What student would not like to write a huge paper within in an hour instead of four hours? Adderal is a cognitive enhancing stimulant; according to Danielle Bickelmann Susie Lomelino “[it] is a drug widely reported to increase alertness, concentration and overall cognitive performance, while decreasing fatigue – but it is also a drug widely abused across college campuses” (Highly Addictive Nature of Prescription 1). “Adderall is a synthetic drug that contains a combination of amphetamine salts. Approximately 72.7 percent of Adderall is made of lisdexamfetamine (Vyanse), and the rest is levoamphetamin” (Moore 90). Adderall is used to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) (Adderall 1). Students who do not have ADHD or ADD have admitted to taking the drug to enhance their study or work process (Desantis, Hane 32). Not being distracted while studying or writing a paper seems like an amazing opportunity, but what students do not understand are the dangers of abusing a stimulant such as Adderall. Students, who do not have ADHD or ADD, and are using Adderall, are depending on a pill to accomplish a task. The abuse of Adderall can lead to addiction issues. Richard Fee, a young college student, was smart, athletic, and popular, but eventually he felt like he was not doing as well as he should with his college classes. Even though he was doing the best he could with his classes, he felt like that was not enough. Richard Fee decided to take an Adderall pill from one of his friends during an exam period. From taking that first pill, Richard Fee felt like he needed more. He eventually visited his doctor to receive his own, and even though he did not have ADD or ADHD, Richard Fee was given t... ... middle of paper ... ...also unfair towards the students who cannot afford to buy it, and towards the students who choose not to abuse the drug. Those have to work harder and take more time out to study or write a paper. They are working towards achieving their goal, but the students who take Adderall are taking the easy way out. It is difficult to ban the use of Adderall, but schools should reinforce that abusing the drug is the wrong thing to do. Society also plays an important role for students. Sometimes students feel so pressured, to do well in school, they feel like they have no other option but to turn to Adderall. Students need to find a way to relax when working hard, instead of turning towards a substance. Adderall is not a bad stimulant; it has helped many children who have ADD or ADHD, but students who do not have ADD or ADHD can have many serious side effects from abusing it.

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