Abortion and Why It Should Be Legalized

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There are many stances taken on whether abortion is moral. This paper will look at a multitude of arguments to see how abortion ties in with the moral principles that make up biomedical ethics. I support the legalization of abortion because any person, in this case a pregnant woman, has a right to their autonomy in personal matters of their own physical body only in the embryonic stage of pregnancy.

A woman’s right to her autonomy should never be curtailed unless for very important reasons. Is a fetus or embryo an important reason? Justice implies that all members of society receive what is fair or their due. Does that mean fetuses, since they are not apart of society, are not protected by justice? These questions only lead to more questions, and the only way to find answers to these questions is through defining what we know. What are human beings? Why is it wrong to kill humans? Are fetuses/embryos persons? The debate has gone back and forth, with good reason. Is it possible that we cannot classify fetuses and embryos as persons, because society itself may not have a commonly accepted definition?

Mary Ann Warren points out that fetuses do not have personhood by listing several traits observed by persons. “Consciousness and the capacity to feel pain, reasoning, self motivated activity, the capacity to communicate, the presence of self concepts and self awareness either individual or racial or both.” Warren defends her position by adding that not all of these traits are needed to identify if any being is a person, however, not possessing any of these traits leads to the conclusion that the being is indeed not a person. All of the criteria Warren provides are definitely those that define a person. However, are these the only ter...

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...e bad, it can be stated that by allowing for an abortion, the fetus is being saved for there ultimate good. The strongest argument is based off these facts, though fetuses will have a future like ours, they at the moment do not have a future like ours. So it can be expressed that the fetuses have a potential to have a future like ours. With that established, the rights of fetuses with a potential to life are outweighed by those of actual people.

There may be some opposition who state both parties here have a right to life and have inherent worth and it would be immoral to say one’s right to life is greater than the others. To give the opposition the satisfaction, even if fetuses do have a right to life that is equal to those of the mother, the right to life does not mean that they have a right to be given the bare minimum to survive or the right not to be killed.

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