A Personal Perspective of the Clash of Civilizations

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Even though Samuel Huntington believes that world conflicts are brought about from a clash of culture, global conflict portray the source as being more religious as religious influence has promoted global conflicts aiming toward a New World Order where everyone sees the same views and aiming towards the same objective.

James Gelvin stated in his book that scholars, journalist, and policy makers adopted and popularized the ideas of Samuel P Huntington a professor at Harvard University to explain the emerging post-cold war world. He also states that according to Huntington the world faced a division into a number of distinct civilizations that are irreconcilable because they hold entirely different value systems. He singles out the Islamic civilization as being particular dangerous because of its propensity for violence and in his own words "bloody boarders" and 9/11 supported his claim as proof that Islam is in conflict with the West (Gelvin 2011). Civilizations developed by culture and may be of a single diversity or made up with multiple diversities, which draws a negative conclusion of Huntington's essay "The Clash of Civilizations" based on many factors.

A closer examination of Huntington's essay reveals that he more or less followed the works even taking the title from Bernard Lewis essay "The Roots of Muslim Rage" where he stated, "that we are facing a mood and movement in Islam far transcending the level of issues and policies and the governments that follow them. This is no less a class of civilizations. Perhaps it is irrational, but surely historic receptions of an ancient rival against our Judeo Christian heritage, our secular present, and the worldwide expansion of both. It is crucially important that we on our si...

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