Essay Comparing Psychodynamic Approach To Development

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A Comparison of Psychodynamic and Social Learning in Regards to the Development of Personality "No Works Cited" “Psychologists define personality in many ways, but common to all of the ways are two basic concepts, uniqueness and characteristic patterns of behaviour. We will define personality as the complex set of unique psychological qualities that influence an individuals characteristic patterns of behaviour across different situations and over time.” (Psychology In Life, Phillip .G. Zimbardo, page 509) The psychodynamic approach: “ Psychodynamic refers to any approach that emphasises the process of change and …show more content…

EYSENCK, page 475) Sigmund Freud developed a theory to explain psychoanalytic or psychodynamic theory he was the founder and practised as a psychotherapist and much of his work comes from self-analysis. Freud’s work suggests that early experiences determine adult personality; he identified five stages within the first five years of life. Freud believed that personality consisted of three main elements, The Id: Basic instincts present at birth (The pleasure principle) The Ego: Realistic acts within the mind and reality (The defence principle) And The Super ego: Sense of conscience, duty and responsibility (The morality principle) Freud believed conflicts occurred between the three parts. He believed that experiences from birth and early childhood had the most impact on behaviour patterns. However, Freud never studied children, which makes some people doubt his theories. Freud’s theory was developed from speculation based on

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