World War I Essays

  • Cause Of World War I

    1120 Words  | 3 Pages

    imperialism, alliances and militarism were the biggest cause of World War I. Europe was a powder keg about to explode with all the conflicting interests and competition that had been brewing for years it was only matter of time, and at last one man would be the shot that started it all. The start of World War I was like a domino effect, one thing after another fell until chaos had consumed Europe. The immediate being that led to world war I was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand When studying

  • The Outbreak of World War I

    1156 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Outbreak of World War I On the 1st of August 1914 World War One, also known as the Great War, started. The main countries involved were: Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary, Britain, France and Russia. World War One ended at 11am on 11th November 1918. In 1919, Lloyd George of England, Orlando of Italy, Clemenceau of France and Woodrow Wilson from the US met to discuss how Germany was to be made to pay for the damage World War One had caused. They decided to create the Treaty of Versailles

  • Alliances of World War I

    544 Words  | 2 Pages

    Alliances were one of the reasons why there was World War I. The alliances started as Triple Entente and Triple Alliance. The Triple Entente involved three countries which were Britain, France and Russia. For Triple Alliance, there were Germany, Austria Hungary and Italy. Then later on the alliances involved more countries and the alliances were called Central powers and Allies. They became alliances secretly during the 19th century. Prussian Chancelor Bismarck formed a new German empire out of multiple

  • Outbreak of World War I

    613 Words  | 2 Pages

    World War I is easily one of the deadliest wars the world has ever seen. Millions of military associates and civilians were left injured, and even more, dead. The war took place within the four years of 1914 to 1918. In 1914, when a Serbian nationalist assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, tensions had triggered in Europ. Austro-Hungary had then invaded Serbia; which then set of the start of a major world conflict. The war ended with an armistice on 11:11 on

  • The Benefits of World War I

    869 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Benefits of World War I Many things have been said about war. Usually people see it as soldiers on a battlefield, men dieing, and battalions marching through ruined cities, bodies littering the streets. This is a warped perception of the reality. War may cause death and destruction, but other things, far more positive things, also happen when war is declared. In WWI it helped boost Canada's industrial production and economic growth, also it allowed women to be emancipated from the

  • Causes of World War I

    1833 Words  | 4 Pages

    of World War I The Balkan Peninsula has long been known as the “tinderbox of Europe” because it has been an area of conflict and political unrest for centuries. The countries and people that occupy the peninsula are constantly in chaos and at war with each other. This trend continues today with the problems in Bosnia and the recent international crisis in Kosovo. Throughout history, small local incidents in the Balkan Peninsula have escalated into large international crises. World War I is a

  • The Stalemate in World War I

    563 Words  | 2 Pages

    By December 1914 the First World War had reached a dilemma on the western front that neither the triple entente nor the triple alliance had expected. The war had reached a stalemate, a state where both sides are so evenly balanced that neither can breakthrough against the enemy. The advances in Technology played a big role in creating the stalemate through strong defensive weaponry such as Machine Guns and Artillery, this caused ‘trench warfare’ (BOOK 48). Trench war is when troops from both sides

  • World War I

    2020 Words  | 5 Pages

    Often times the Second World War over shadows the First World War when it comes to discussing a total war because the First World War may be considered a limited war. A limited war has specific goals while a total war involves the entire nation and its destruction. An examination of pre-1914 events and events that occurred from 1914 to1918 reveal the ways in which the First World War was a total war. Prior to the start of the war the dominant nations of Europe were preoccupied with their own dramatic

  • World War I

    1788 Words  | 4 Pages

    Understanding the Great War, are directors of the Historial de la Grande Guerre in Péronne, an international museum and research center near the Somme. Audoin-Rouzeau graduated from Jules Verne University of Picardy, and Becker graduated from the University of Paris, X-Nanterre. Both have completed a high volume of research and writings on World War I. Each has also published one book relating to World War I before writing 14-18: Understanding the Great War. World War I is a commonly studied event

  • World War I

    1214 Words  | 3 Pages

    By 1917, World War I was the most brutal conflict that had ever been seen on the world stage. It was no longer a war that only involved the European powers, but also countries from all over the world including the United States. During the war, the total number of casualties reached over 37 million and over eight million lives were lost (“WWI Casualty and Death Tables” 1). The extremely high number of casualties was mostly caused by new developments in warfare technology. One of the most well remembered

  • World War I

    4555 Words  | 10 Pages

    World War I During W.W.I the Austrian wore the pike gray 1909 pattern tunic and trousers. They have three white stars on the collar which indicate Sergeants rank. Some have leather gaiters worn by mountain troops; others wore the ordinary trousers with the integral gaiter which fastened around the ankle with two buttons. Men and women wore tunics made of khaki serge flannel or cord. Most men, and some women, also wore leather cartridge pouches and a slouched hat. Women were seen wearing long

  • The Cause of the Great War: World War I

    2053 Words  | 5 Pages

    World War I was a conflict that claimed over 10 million peoples’ lives, ravaged all of Europe and engineered modern warfare, as it is know today. The Great War has been scrutinized and examined through many complex theories in order to understand how such a conflict escalated to one of the most epic wars in history. This essay, like many works before it, looks to examine WWI and determine its causes through two distinct levels of analysis, individual and systemic. The individual level of analysis

  • Race Discrimination and The World War I

    922 Words  | 2 Pages

    World War I was a life-changing moment in African-American history. It impacted all African Americans, no matter gender, class, or origin. Although the it had a larger impact on those who lived in the South. African-American soldiers actually served in the army for the United States way before the Great War. But World War I marked a turning point for colored soldiers, not only on the battlefield but when they returned home as well. It was overall a good thing for them. In the end over six hundred

  • World War I: Trench Warfare

    1097 Words  | 3 Pages

    – Lieutenant Bernard Pitt in a letter to his parents (25th December, 1915) The year is 1914, World War I had begun and new system of warfare has begun to show up on the front. This new type of warfare will forever be known as trench warfare and it will completely change how World War I will be fought.

  • The Three Causes Of World War I

    649 Words  | 2 Pages

    In August of 1914, a war today known as World War I began. The World War 1 began as a war locally between Austria-Hungary and Serbia. It eventually grew into a war involving thirty-two different countries. The allies involved in World War 1 included Britain, France, Russia, Italy and the United States. These countries fought against Germany, Ottoman Empire, Austria-Hungary, and Bulgaria. A question frequently asked by many people is, what really caused World War 1 to happen. There are several different

  • Woodrow Wilson and World War I

    973 Words  | 2 Pages

    What role did Woodrow Wilson have in World War I? Woodrow Wilson, our 23rd president, became involved in a war that he did not want any part of. Wilson wanted to remain neutral and have peace as in his first term of office. During World War I Wilson’s roles in the war became well known in all countries. Wilson wanted peace more than anything else. In seeking for peace Wilson asked Congress for the U.S. to enter World War I. which may not sound like a peace strategy but Wilson felt it was the only

  • World War I

    1175 Words  | 3 Pages

    World War One took a toll on everyone between 1914 and 1918. What were some of the main causes and effects of World War One? There were many causes to World War One but one of them was the Cult of the Offensive. According to class notes on 4/4/11, countries should not wait to be attacked, they should attack first. The Cult of Offensive was “a military strategy of constantly attacking the enemy that was believed to be the key to winning World War One but that brought great loss of life while failing

  • World War One: The Main Causes Of World War I

    1002 Words  | 3 Pages

    In 1914 one of the most important wars in history broke out. The spark that set off World War One was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Serbia by a Serbian nationalist/terrorist. He was assassinated on June 28, 1914. The main causes of Europe leading to this war actually stand for the word M.A.I.N the causes are Alliances, Militarism, Imperialism, and Nationalism. These four things made such an impact of going to war. The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand caused a system of alliances

  • World War I : Trench Warfare

    1461 Words  | 3 Pages

    World War I: Trench Warfare In the early twentieth century, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist, which in turned pulled in several countries into dispute, thus igniting the beginning of World War I. There were two parties involved, one which was the Triple Alliance, consisting of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy, and the other was the Triple Entente, made up of Britain, France, and Russia. This war was one that was never fought before due to great

  • World War I Serbia Essay

    844 Words  | 2 Pages

    A significant cause of European tension prior to World War I was continued instability and conflict in the Balkans. The name itself referred to a large peninsula sandwiched between four seas: the Black Sea, the Mediterranean, the Adriatic and the Aegean. On this land mass was a cluster of nations and provinces, including Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria, Macedonia and Bosnia. At the turn of the century the Balkan region was less populated and under-developed, in comparison to western Europe; it had few natural