Jan Gies Essays

  • Sparking the Change: Miep Gies

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    change the life of someone forever. Miep Gies, a woman who once went unknown to the world, once said, “But even an ordinary secretary or a housewife or a teenager can, within their own small ways, turn on a small light in a dark room.” (Goodreads 1). The woman who went unheard of by the world around her, turned on this light during the dark experiences of World War II. From being a small business secretary to saving the lives of people around her, Miep Gies made a name for herself, and that name is

  • Diary Of A Young Girl Analysis

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    In Anne Frank’s book, The Diary of a Young Girl, there are several conflicts. The main conflict is internal, and more specifically, it is man vs. self. The conflict is Anne having to adjust her life, attitude, demeanor, and etc. to live in extremely close quarters with strangers, at the same time trying to discover and learn who she really is. The Diary of a Young Girl is not only about the purging of the Jews in World War II, it is a true story about a young girl whose life is turned around as a

  • Anne Frank: I Believe People Are Really Good at Heart

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    are really good at heart.” By: Roshni Patel Work Cited Anne Frank. Dir. Robert Dornhelm. Perf Ben Kingsley, Hannah Taylor Gordan, Brenda Blethyn. Bena Vista Home Entertainment. 2001. DVD Billings, Henry and Melissa Billings. “Miep Gies: A Dangerous Secret” Critical Reading Series, Heros. Lincolnwood: Jamestown Publishers, 1999. 54-56 Print Goodrich, Frances and Albert Hackett. The Dairy Of Anne Frank. Literature. Orlando: Houghton Publishing Company, 2012. 510-564. Print. “Remembering

  • AFR

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    identity, because the more challenging the adversity, the stronger our identity becomes. The more we ignore adversities, our identities might be the same or much weaker. The title of the literature I’m using is “Anne Frank Remembered,” by both Miep Gies & Alison Leslie Gold. My evidence will show that adversities can show the changes of identities. It shows much of what a good change is like. Miep’s tough challenge of leaving her parents probably caused emotional pain and scarring, making a huge impact

  • Holocaust Rescuers - Miep Gies

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    family hide, and kept them alive when they were in hiding? The Jews who were sent to concentration camps were not the only brave and suffering people. There were the rescuers, and the defenders of these persecuted people. One such person was Miep Gies. Miep Gies was born on February 15, 1909 in Vienna, Austria as Hermine Santruschitz. She was a weak child, and with food shortages and a growing family, she became malnourished and unhealthy. Luckily, in the 1920s, a program was set up to give Austrian children

  • The Influence of Meip Geis

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    the Nazis, in addition she has contributed greatly to preserving one of the most widely recognized recollection of the Holocaust. Works Cited McCune, Pat; Schreiber, Penny; Lowenstein, Joan. “Meip Geis” 31. March.2011. “Meip Gies, Her Own Story.” 31.Mar.2011 “Meip Geis.” 5.Apr.2011.

  • Otto Frank: The Holocaust Survivor

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    Throughout the holocaust, many Jews survived by going into hiding to escape the harsh fates and realities that would otherwise await the opressed. The Diary of a Young Girl allows readers to witness and experience a small idea of what Jews in hiding during the holocaust suffered. Some may have lost one's life, but Otto Frank, Anne's Frank's father, survived the holocaust through hiding. The secret annex became the shelter for Otto Frank, his family, and several others Jews starting July sixth, 1942(www

  • Anne Frank Remembered: Review

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    Remembered is the autobiography of Miep Gies, the woman who helped the Frank family survive during their two years in hiding. Her book is a primary source or first hand account of the persecution of Jewish people in Nazi occupied Holland during the second world war. It is also the first hand account of the hiding of Jews such as the Frank family, the Van Daan family, and Dr. Albert Dussel during this time. In regard to the book's autobiographical format, the author, Miep Gies, does not present the reader with

  • The Legacy Of Anne Frank And The Holocaust

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    Anne Frank By: Alexis Bahr Almost everyone has heard the legacy about this young, teenage World War II icon. Her story, her family, her personal life, and almost everything in her life; the reason for this was her diary. Her diary was published by her father, Otto Frank. Although some parts edited out, this diary had become well known as a hopeful yet horrifying time for the Jews. The way Anne Frank wrote about her life made all the horrors of the Holocaust real. She was about 13-years-old when

  • Biography Of U.S. Representative Janice D. Schakowsky

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    S. Representative Janice D. Schakowsky (D-IL) Jan Schakowsky was elected to represent Illinois’ 9th Congressional District on November 3, 1998, after serving for eight years in the Illinois State Assembly. The 9th Congressional District encompasses city and suburbs, including the North Lakeshore of hicago, Evanston, Skokie, Niles, Morton Grove and several Northwest Side neighborhoods. A consumer and senior citizen advocate U.S. Representative Jan Schakowsky has fought throughout her career for

  • Jan Struther's Mrs. Miniver

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    In Mrs. Miniver, a novel of about 300 pages, Jan Struther writes about the simple and fulfilling life of Kay Miniver and her family as they go through the struggles of WWII. Struther shows Mrs. Miniver’s optimism and vitality despite the effects of the war on her family. A narrator, who watches the family through dialogue between the family and other characters, tells the novel. Mrs. Miniver is often alone admiring something and commenting to herself. Her spirit and good will are shown in events

  • Readers Find Simple Faith in Karon's Books

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    Readers Find Simple Faith in Karon's Books Since 1994 Jan Karon's Mitford series of novels has sold more than three million copies, with the latest, A New Song, occupying the number one position on Amazon.com's list during the last week of April this year (Jones 71). The Mitford books focus on inspirational stories, spiritual themes, and small town humor. Readers identify with the realistic characters in the stories. Rogene Kellar, 83, in a Newsweek article said she has read each book four times

  • John Hus: A Threat to the Western Church & Martyr

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    John Hus: A Threat to the Western Church & Martyr The official definition of a martyr is “a person who sacrifices something of great value for the sake of principle”; therefore Jon Hus is undoubtedly a martyr (Merriam-Webster 1). His radical ideas caught the attention of thousands of followers while simultaneously undermining core practices of the Church. His beliefs led to what is known as the Hussite Reformation and ultimately, his death. John Hus’s death was ordered by the Church because his

  • Challenges to the Roman Catholic Church by Christians Prior to Martin Luther

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    to the Reformation and official formation of Protestantism, many philosophers, theologians, and logicians who led the inquiry for greater knowledge and education, spoke out against the doctrines of the Catholic Church. Peter Abelard, John Wycliffe, Jan Hus, and Peter Waldo were all great masterminds of the Middle Ages who contributed to the fall of the domineering Catholic Church and the rise of Protestantism. Although they were deemed as heretics, they set precedents for future reformers and gave

  • An Analysis Of Jane Harrison's Rainbows End

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    ‘An individual’s interaction with others and the world around them can enrich or limit their experience of belonging.’ Discuss this view with detailed reference to your prescribed text and ONE other related text of your own choosing. As people fill their life with experiences the way they are perceived is altered and as a result they will find these past experiences to either assist or deter them from belonging. Belonging is the act of acceptance as a result of a positive relationship

  • The Role of Religion in Politics

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    where they express their power. These arguments served to infuriate the clergy of the Church, and to cause some tension between his homeland Bohemia and other surrounding Catholic states, which after his death culminated in the Thirty Years War13. Jan Hus is correct in his belief that religion, as indicated by the gross misuse of power by the Church in his time, his appeal to Biblical and philosophical works, and the years of strife that resulted from a poor mixing of religion and politics. Religion

  • 12 Modern Labors of Hercules

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    Have you ever considered what labors Eurystheus would have assigned Hercules if he lived in the modern world? Back then the labors Eurystheus assigned to Hercules was based on feats so difficult that they seemed impossible such as defeating the Nemean lion, defeating the hydra, and more. But what labors could Eurystheus assign Hercules if he lived in the modern world? In my opinion I think that Eurystheus would give Hercules these labors if he lived in the modern world. The first labor that Eurystheus

  • How Did John Wycliffe A Patriot And Reformer

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    THE LIFE AND MINISTRY OF JOHN WYCLIFFE When reviewing the life of John Wycliffe a well-known 14th century theologian, philosopher, preacher and reformer; we will look into the details that caused him to challenge papal authority. We will detail what caused John Wycliffe to be known as patriot and reformer that took on the Catholic Church in order to deal with the corruption that was plaguing the Catholic faith. BACKGROUND John Wycliffe was born in England in the 1320’s. It is believed that

  • Essay

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    HSC 2011 Explore how perceptions of belonging and not belonging can be influenced by connection to places. Stability of place offers comfort, security, and validation. Belonging is best described as a state achieved after establishing permanence of place, which nurtures feelings of ‘home’ and leads to acceptance by others . This is reflected in Steven Herrick’s 2001 free verse novel The Simple Gift through the main protagonist Billy who has negative experiences within his home and familial context

  • What is Home?

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    What is home? If one looks in a dictionary the answer would come out to be, “The place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household.” However, for anyone who has had an actual home, they would know that such a term goes much beyond its concrete description. It is an impassioned aspect filled with values and foundation of nurturing. A home is not just an abode built to live in; in fact, that is just a definition of a house. Home is a place where one not only feels comfortable