future of health care

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There was great progress between the years of 2000 to 2010 in medical care. Technology and research continues to improve. The health care system is burden with constant cost that continues to grow as well as poor health. When it comes to health our ranking against other nations is very low, although we spend lots of money on health care. Hopefully with the next decade we will be able to reverse the negative trend of Americans not being able to receive health care or the best of care. There are advances in medical technology that continues and treatment for diseases and chronic diseases will benefit from these continued advances in technology. New technology includes genomics, where scientists study genes so that they can create drugs that will be able to prevent specific diseases and medical monitors that will be able to use from your homes to give you information about your to your physician without going to the doctor’s office. We have electronic health records, however once adopted by all in the United States, family’s will be able to read their own medical records online, print reports, doctors will be able to read reports from the labs, and view x-rays online. Then we have the internet, the internet that offers us the tools to communicate all across the globe, electronic communication.
Future Trends in Health
The internet is a very functional form of electronic communication. Let’s think external delivery. Using the internet as a source of delivery for communicating patient information this is considered external delivery that transmits instantaneously between all healthcare businesses. The internet gives us the tools to do a lot, expand technology in the healthcare field that will allow the physicians and their patients to...

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...re by these advance and more advanced technology will allow patients to be more aware of the health care delivery and involved. In five years there will be more advancement in health care and as health care advances so will the technology used to delivery it.
From state and federal levels, the healthcare industry has come a very long way, experiencing changes along the way. The development of advanced technology that has enhanced the quality of healthcare delivery systems will help all patients to be able to benefit. Doctors are able to access patient records at a faster rate and respond to their patients in a much more timely fashion. E-mail, electronic transfer of records and telemedicine will give all patients and physicians the tools needed to be more efficient, deliver quality care and deliver quality telecommunication at a faster pace than before.

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