Woodsworth Fear Of Death

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Mortality (An analysis of Woodsworth use of fear when describing mortality) In all of the poems written by Woodsworth, you see the fear of death. Even though in some of his poems he states that you need to live life to the fullest, written behind the lines. Woodsworth writing styles include the feelings that when it’s first read you get one meaning, and then after it’s studied a completely different feeling arises. The poems that he wrote all had a common theme and message that he was trying to get across. There are fears of mortality in all of the poems that Woodsworth wrote including, The World is Too Much With Us, Above Tintern Abbey, London, 1802, and The Prelude. To begin, in the poem The World is Too Much With Us, Woodsworth shows the fear of mortality. This poem states the fear of the world, and how it is taking over our minds and our bodies. The older we get, and the older this world gets the more the people in the world stop caring about important things. When money becomes your main source of happiness is when you have lost yourself. To be truly happy the things that make you happy can’t be materialistic. The Greeks thought that nature was controlled by the gods and that is what brought the people happiness. In this poem, Wordworths explains how this is a false accusation. Gupta states, “Wordsworth sincerely believed that materialism was vitiating the life of his contemporaries and as a protest against it he wrote "The world is too much with us." This poem talks about the importance of nature and how much we need it to survive. “Getting and spending we waste our powers. (Line 2)” This quote from the poem is an example of how Woodsworth states that we are wasting ourselves when we could be applying ourselves. Secondly... ... middle of paper ... ...re is a common theme of mortality. Everyone is afraid of mortality. In the end we all shouldn’t fear mortality because everyone is going to die in the end anyway. To begin, in the poem The World is Too Much With Us, Woodsworth shows the fear of mortality. Secondly, Lines Composed A Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey also shows the fear of getting old and dying. Thirdly, Wordsworth created the poem London, 180, which also has the common theme of mortality. Alan Garner states the importance that Wordsworth has made on society today, “All too rarely an exhibition comes along that illuminates not just an artist or a segment of a career but the intellectual climate of an entire period.”Lastly, the poem The Prelude explains how when people get older they lose themselves in the process. All in all, there are many different ideas that are purposed by Wordsworth in these poems.

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