Nursing Major Essay

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Why Nursing is my Perfect Major Growing up parents always ask their young kids what they want to be when they grow up; typically, from preschoolers you hear a variety of answers like “a superhero”, or “an astronaut”, and when one asks preteens you hear lots of “I want to be a doctor”. When I was asked this question in middle school I always answered “I want to be a nurse”. Throughout high school you are required to take a variety of classes in different subjects to widen your horizon on what interests you. From my experiences in these variety of class I learned a lot about myself and what I really liked, but one thing never changed and that was my dream profession of becoming a nurse. I credit my aunt, Shelly, who was a nursing professor …show more content…

Unfortunately, she died when I was in ninth grade and at her funeral, I remember students of hers talking about how fantastic of a nurse, she was and how she impacted their nursing careers and all I could remember is I want to continue living like her and making an impact on my own patients and maybe one …show more content…

She said the key to being an above average nurse was being empathetic with your patients and their families. You can show compassion for them, but when you really put yourself in their shoes and empathize with them is how you form a special bond with them. One of my qualities that will assist me in nursing is that I am able to genuinely empathize with people. Depending on what area you are in, you can either be walking side by side with your patient’s best day of their life or their worst nightmare. In high school, I took a peer counseling class which showed me and taught me various ways on how to be compassionate towards people. No matter your race, gender, religion, or social status I treat everyone the same and respect. As a profession where you are interacting with diverse populations it is crucial that you treat everyone with the same respect and greatest treatment no matter your differences. Another quality of mine that will assist me in nursing is I am detail oriented and will take charge in groups. Being detailed oriented is extremely critical in this profession because details matter when administering medication or patients plan of care. Alongside being detail oriented is being a strong communicator. As a patient’s nurse you need to be their advocate to doctors through strong communication about their signs or symptoms, how they are doing with plan of care, or if something needs to be

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