Why Do Carp Fly Fish

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Carp Fly Fishing

Carp Fly Fishing is quickly gaining popularity among fly fisherman. Not only do Carp attain massive sizes but they put up a great fight and can challenge even the most seasoned fly fisherman.

Carp can be found throughout the world and are quite common in North America. These fish will take a variety of sub-surface fly presentations and even the occasional dry fly if presented at the correct time. If you are looking to expand the species you fly fish for we highly recommend targeting Carp. Carp are found in many different water types including Lakes, Streams, and Ponds and are often found in fairly large numbers. Typical patterns include Crayfish, Nymph, and patterns that mimic the vegetation that Carp commonly consume. Carp Fly Fishing

Recommended Gear

Carp are generally great fighters that can gain a pretty impressive size. In the great lakes areas fish of 30 lbs or more are not uncommon. Because of this we highly recommend using an outfit that can handle the size of one of these massive fish. An 8 or 9 weight rod with a disc drag reel and plenty of backing is needed to target Carp in most areas. Because they …show more content…

At all times, especially when fishing deeper water such as lakes we try to carry both a floating and sinking tip line with us. Although a little more expensive than the typical fly rod outfit the Z-Axis rods have a great feel and can easily power larger flies through high wind conditions. Since Carp are strong fighters we typically try to stick with a high quality and comfortable reel that has a good drag and comfortable handles. Large Arbor and Mid Arbor reels will also allow you to pick up slack much more quickly. Our reel of choice is a mid-priced reel the Orvis Batenkill-Mid Arbor. Both of these items are available from a variety of sources. If you want to save some money its often possible to buy a high quality used rod on places like eBay and

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