Who Is To Blame For Johnny's Death?

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Imagine if the people you loved and cared about died suddenly. Ponyboy was effected by Dally, and Johnny's death. Darry slapping him only made things worst, Johnny's death hurt Ponyboy the most, and Dally death hurt Ponyboy since he left him at a hard time . A choice made by Darry didn't help Ponyboy in anyway, it made things worst. Darry is Ponyboy older brother. Darry cares about Pony but doesn't know how to show it. That night Pony was out late with Johnny, and came back home at two in the morning. Darry was yelling at him, and Pony was yelling back at him. Darry couldn't control himself and slapped Pony. Pony runs out the door as fast as he could with Johnny. That night Johnny killed Bob, one of the Socs.” I thought we lost you like we lost you like we lost mom and dad.” (Hinton.98). This quote is proves how much Darry cares about Pony. In addition Johnny died as a hero, but left Ponyboy heart broken. Johnnys cared about Ponyboy. “I had to, they were drowning Pony. They could have killed you” (Hinton.28) Ponyboy cared about Johnny so much he went insane. After Johnny died Pony said he killed Pony, and that he is still alive. He went through a rough time when Johnny died, and so did everyone else. …show more content…

He went inside the burning church to save Johnny, not the children. Dally was so sick of the people he cared about dying. Dally had carried around an unloaded gun around the neighborhood, and the police arrived telling Dally to out down the gun, but he never did. Since Dally never put down the gun the police had no choice but to shoot him. Dally died which hurt Pony even more since he needed him when Johnny died. “ Crazy for wanting Johnny to stay out of trouble for not wanting him to get gard. If he’d been never like me he’d never have been in this mess.”

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