What Is The Mood Of The Poem The Highwayman

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The poem “The Highwayman” by Alfred Noyes is about a highwayman who is in love with the landlord's daughter. The red coats capture the landlord's daughter and abuse her and tie her up. The red coats knew that the highwayman was going to go and try to save the landlord’s daughter so they were going to shoot him. The landlord’s daughter shots herself because she loves the highway man so much that she didn't want him to get shot. The highwayman heard the gunshot so he didn’t continue going down the highway and turned around. “The Highwayman” is a narrative poem because it tells a story; this poem is traditional and highly structured. In this poem there is 17 stanzas, each stanza having 6 to 7 lines. In each stanza he describes something in lots of detail while keeping the poem flows smoothly. Around the 5th line in each stanza the line is indented. Each line in this poem has punctuation and a capital letter, those things help with the structure of the poem and its traditional elements. There is a set meter and rhyme scheme for most of the poem, some lines are a little different but it's pretty consistent all the way through the poem. Depart from this, the rhyme scheme is A,A,B,C,C,B. …show more content…

There are three main metaphors at the beginning of the poem. The first metaphor they list is “The wind was a torrent of darkness among the gusty trees.” One more they list is “The moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas.” The last metaphor the poem uses in the first stanza “The road was a ribbon of moonlight over the purple moor.” These metaphors really help visualize the poem better. More examples of metaphors Alfred Noyes uses is “dumb as a dog”, another one is “her face burnt like a brand”, last but not least there is”her face was a light” these are good examples of visual language because the language has descriptive language which helps it become visual. Its very imaginal and helps on what the faces look

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