What Happens To A Dream Deferred By Langston Hughes Summary

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Langston Hughes writes, “What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore/And then run? / Or does it explode?” (Hughes) The first-line of the poem is monumental even though it seems to be a simple question, it isn’t because no one likes to put off a dream with in first question. Hughes is referring to a dream in the sense that it is now a raisin dried-up and wasted away. He’s stating to the masses that if nothing is done to advance the rights of African-American men and women, dreams will be pushed aside and will continue to itch until it’s too late and the dream has all but faded away. In his last line he asked or does it explode? The answer is yes it has exploded all over Ferguson with …show more content…

The theory ultimately determines whether they will eventually be led to commit crimes to relieve the strain or to resist by obeying the rules of society. (Strain Theories) An example of this would be police departments not having good communication and place to be able to communicate with the public this in turn creates strain on the policeman himself. Policeman’s perceptions of the world are influenced by two things which are danger and authority. These perceptions allow him to view society from a different viewpoint than a regular citizen. This also puts him into an isolated sub culture, which can work against him. The element of danger seems to make the policeman feel the pressure of appearing efficient. The character of an officer effects whom he is friends with, most of a policeman’s friends are others that are policemen. The element of danger can isolate him from certain citizens in the society. The element of authority reinforces the element of danger and in turn isolates the policeman. The policeman is required to enforce the laws to everyone in the society. Not only do they have to enforce all laws they have to regulate all public activity such as traffic laws. Whether a policeman can step away from his working persona is crucial when he’s off duty and in street clothes because he has to be able to function normally in society just like everyone else. No one knows the thoughts of a police officer. Only that officer at the moment of a situation can speak for him or herself. (Sketch of the Policeman’s “Working Personality)The basic foundation of the criminal justice system is police enforcement of laws poor community relations can be a barrier between the citizens and police departments. It can has created an and impediment within the community of Ferguson; the way in which they have handled the recent events in the Michael Brown case

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