The essays

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What is your goal and how do you plan to achieve it The biggest goal I have set for myself is to save someone's life. Not like a doctor would save someone's life but helping someone who is about to end their life see how valuable they are. I want to show people that their life is worth everything and the impact of ending their life would have on their friends and families. It is more then anything they ever believed. I know first hand how hard life is and how suicide seems like the best solution. I have a better understanding of what they are going through and what actually helps them then just telling them to be happy and everything will be okay. I have already been listening and counseling some people that go to school with me. I have begun researching and reading articles about Psychology, ways to prevent suicide, stories from survivors, and simulations about what would become of your family and friends once the victim is gone. I am going to go to Western Kentucky University and gain my doctrine in Psychology. I will intern at a well established therapist office while I am in college. After college I will work with another therapist for about five years and then I will open my own office. I will be available to my clients twenty four seven. I want them to know someone is there for them, cares and will never judge them. Getting my doctrine in psychology is goal helping prove a persons worth is my dream and I will do everything an anything to achieve them. Describe your experience with losing a parent and why you deserve this award. I was only three when I watched my father fall to the ground and die of a massive heart attack. From then my life was never the same. My mother, who had retired to be a housewife, now had to go ou... ... middle of paper ... ...... is not the way. How would this scholarship help you achieve your goals This scholarship would help me be able to afford going to college and getting a doctrine in Psychology. Having this scholarship would mean I would not have to take a loan or could take a smaller loan to pay for collage. Loans, especially school loans, have caused many individuals to be in debt. I do not want to graduate college and already have an enormous amount of debt to try and pay off. Collage is expensive especially for a one income family. My mother has no savings at all and barely makes ends meet each mother. This year she had to file bankruptcy so she did not lose the house. There is no possible way she could help me with college. Getting this scholarship would lessen my mothers worries and give me peace at mind knowing my education is payed for and debt is not looming at my door.

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