The Philosophy of Sophocles in Oedipus the King

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o Structure:

The play is divided into three parts. This is very logical. In The first part we have the problem and the accusation of Creon. In part two we have the discovery of the truth. At the end of the play we find the truth and the consequences of it. Oedipus admits his blindness, feels ashamed and is pious.

The strengh of the dialogue is not felt as it is translated from Latin into English.

o In what way classical and Greek drama are different from modern drama?

- greek drama is not concerned with the description of life. It presents man's fight with powers greater than man himself.

- Relationship between past, present and future is a repeated theme in modern drama. Life is one circle. The past life of the dead has an impact on the life of people. The philosophy of Sophocles is that the dead control and affect our life.

- In Greek tragedy the natural forces are destructive. These forces might be nature, gods or fate. Man is helpless in facing these powers.

o A rational play(Sophocles' Philosophy):

-Sophocles has his own philosophy reflected in his plays. One of these philosophies is that nothing is constant in this life. A friend yesterday may be an enemy today. This philosophy is so clear in this play: Oedipus and Creon were close friends in the past but they become enemies. Creon is the opposite of Oedipus and he is not rash or hot-tempered. But he will change. Why do we change? We change according to circumstances.

-chance does not control our life Can we say that our life is ruled by chance? Oedipus tells his past to Jocasta and how he killed an old man. This shows how things go logically. We cannot say that our life is ruled by chance. Classical drama is based on fate but Sophocles says that man's life is controlled by both fate and free will.

-Past, present and future make one circle. The past life of the dead has an impact on the life of people. The philosophy of Sophocles is that the dead control and affect our life.

- man's life is not separate from the universal order. We live in our universe and are affected by what happens around us. Oedipus was left in the desert and somebody pitied him. Solving the riddle was the direct reason for being proud and marrying his mother.

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