The Parenting Style Of Disrespectful Parents

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“Are kids today being raised by wimpy parents and, as a result, growing into selfish, pampered, disrespectful adults?” (Breton). The upcoming generations are becoming progressively more disrespectful. The way parents raise their kids have visibly made a difference in how they behave both in and out of the confines of their homes. Furthermore, traits such as perfectionism, goal orientations, self esteem, and self related happiness in college students have been directly related to the parenting styles employed in their development (Smith). The authoritarian style of parenting creates a nervous, potentially rebellious, young adult. In contrast, children raised by a permissive parent, tend to mature into pampered and careless adults. Authoritarian …show more content…

This can be difficult on a child growing up. Intrusive, or controlling parents make kids scared, causing anxiety, then leading into possible suicide (Cha Eunjung). Guardians that are intrusive with their child's life, make them feel depressed and unsuitable (Liem). This pushy form of teaching will lead kids to believe that what they do is not good enough and unsatisfying to the people they wish to impress most. Parents were conducted in a study to see how they handled their child putting a puzzle together. Those that were more intrusive with the puzzle were overly critical with their child’s actions (Cha Eunjung). This hypercritical behavior starts to wear on the child, lowering their self-esteem. In turn, kids begin to feel like their parents believe they cannot do anything right. These parents are known as “Helicopter parent”. College students who had such parents had a harder time believing in themselves to achieve (Cha Eunjung). Not only did kids feel like they were not reaching parent goals, young adults who had strict parents with no decisions, were lead to drinking (Wertheimer). Making the decision to drink gives them a feeling for deciding for themselves, something their parents never let them do. Kids who were angry about their parents controlling obsession also found comfort in the …show more content…

Continually, it has shown the most positive effects on new coming college students (Smith). Harmful habits like drinking and intoxication have been shown to be comparably lower than people rooting from other styles as well (Wertheimer). Students from a disciplinarian background prepared for exams more efficiently, had greater attention in class, and seeked help from peers and teachers (Smith). These students understand the importance and reward from hard work and accomplishing their goals based solely on their own abilities. Contrarily, they recognize the drawbacks of laziness, and comprehend the results. Fathers, over everyone else in a typical household, has proven to be more efficient at helping a student maintain attention, diligence, and seek help from others as well as prioritize studies (Smith). Novice college students that grew up in an authoritative household prioritize work, and understand the tradeoff between labor and fun (Smith). Using the authoritative parenting method will set children to be driven, reliable, and trustworthy

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