The Influence Of Tattoos In Today's Society

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As a society evolves the culture and language also begins to change. The language changes because it is always trying to adapt to its community. For instance, the word tattoo has several associations to it that include self expression, criminality, and identification. This is a wide range of definitions for a word that is simple body modification. It was created as a mere accident when someone who was hurt rubbed their wound with soot and ash, and later discovered that the mark would not go away (Tattoo Temple). In today’s society, a tattoo is a form of self-expression. Tattoos are simple another art form. This art form allows the canvas and artist to share their thoughts, feelings, and emotions be known as “living artwork”. These living …show more content…

People who are closed minded view tattoos as taboos, and feel that those who have tattoos are a menace to society, lowlifes, and criminals. Japan is a very traditional country and for them “tattoos are automatically linked with one word that can instantly hush a noisy bar and perfume the air with angst - yakuza” (The Toronto Star). A yakuza is a japanese gangster and is similar to the mafia. A yakuza follows the samurai code of honor, and if broken they are severely punished; moreover, these yakuzas get full body tattoos as a form of toughness and loyalty (The toronto Star). However, this stigma of criminals and tattoos is not only in Japan, it also prevalent in the USA. In America, many prisoners have tattoos as a representation of how long they have been in jail. Criminals in america also have teardrops that represent how many people they have killed. There are also people who have tattoos that associate them to a particular …show more content…

A tattoo is simply the practice of inserting ink to the dermis layer of the skin, in intricate patterns and designs. Nonetheless, to different communities a tattoo means self-expression, while to others it hold negative stigmas and memories. A tattoo is a symbol of self expression because people are able to able to put forth their emotions, thoughts, and feeling through this art form. An art form which can be aesthetically pleasing to the canvas. Although, the tattoos are accepted by the canvas they may not be accepted by the people around them. The tattoos can be frown upon if easily visible because some people associate tattoos with criminals. They can also be the determining factor in getting employment. Some tattoos can also hold unfavorable memories, and these memories cannot be forgotten since it reminds them of their

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