The Importance of Family in The Farming of Bones by Edwidge Danticat.

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THE IMPORTANCE OF A FAMILY Having a loving family is something that no child should live without. A loving family helps shape your personality, and also helps instil good decision making in you. They also act as your support system, when you are going through hard times. Lastly, they teach you about your heritage and culture, this helps create a sense of belonging. These are just a few reasons why having a loving family is something every child should have. This theme is shown through THE FARMING OF BONES written by Edwidge Danticat. A supportive family helps shape your personality and instils good decision making in you. In THE FARMING OF BONES the main character Amabelle was abandoned by her family when she was little. Even thought she was adopted by another family, they never treated her like she belonged. When Amabelle was 13 she was beaten by the local convenience owner for stealing a bottle of pop. Her adoptive family did not care about this incident. Amabelle began abusing drugs and alcohol in her teens to get the attention of her adoptive family but this only lead them to care even less about her. In this quote Amabelle says that she feels lost and that she doesn’t care if she lies, cheats or steals “I don’t know why god has chosen this life for me. This is all I know. My heart aches with sadness and the only way I know how to relieve myself from all this pain is to drink my way out of it. This is how my life has been shaped, looking for a way to get my next fix” (Chapter 6. 134-135). Throughout this story Amabelle has struggled with finding herself and trying to turn her life around. If she had a supportive family, they could have guide her in distinguishes between right and wrong and also could... ... middle of paper ... ...elong. When Amabelle meet Amorsa she finally felt like she found a piece of her that she thought she had lost forever. These were a few reasons why having loving family, to teach you about your heritage and culture can help anyone feel wanted and having a sense of belonging. Having a loving family is something that no child should live without. They help shape your personality and instils good decision making in you. Your family acts as your support system, when you are going through hard times. Lastly, they teach you about your heritage and culture, this helps create a sense of belonging. These were just a few reasons why having a loving family is something every child should have. If Amarelle had a loving family her life might have been different. These were just a few of the reasons why having a loving family is important for every child.

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