The Holocaust Speech: The Survivors Of The Holocaust

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It has been sixty years since the Holocaust and to some it may feel like ancient history, but to others it still remains real and ever present. People around the world are still hurt by the Holocaust and in their heart will be scarred forever, but like anyone else that suffers a great tragedy like 911 or the Boston Marathon Bombings, they have to get back up. Jews and the millions of innocent victims all were knocked down a What do we have today? What do we have today? nd got back up in our hearts, and because of this the are long from forgotten. survivors of the Holocaust got back up and all showed resiliency. To me, they are amazing and are of the strongest people in the world. After an atrocity like the Holocaust, the survivors can stand up and tell their stories. I wish I could meet one of these strong survivors to hear all of their stories because without them I feel like we would lose so much. We would lose all of what they taught us and that is too valuable. I thank all of the survivors so much and hope one day would be able to speak to one in person. You have showed us so much and have taught us to properly remember the Holocaust. You taught us that its the Holocaust’s remembrance is just not just to remember the day it was over, but to remember all of those strong men, women, and children who died in the Holocaust. There are so many ways the Holocaust will be remembered. One way it will be remembered as is a time when happiness was once taking away. We all know the Holocaust was a tough period to go through. People went from being happy, enjoying their lives, and living the life, to constantly crying and hoping it would all end. The only thing keeping themselves together is their family and their strength. Happiness wa... ... middle of paper ... ... learned from the Holocaust and the survivors. The Holocaust survivors taught me that you don’t need a bunch of toys and gifts to be happy.

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