The Handsomest Drowned Man Analysis

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“The Handsomest Drowned Man In The World” By using certain ideas, authors can express messages or themes. How do you think Gabriel Garcia Marquez gets across his idea in “The Handsomest Drowned Man In The World?” Marquez gets across his ideas of inspiring others and change through his use of word choice, imagery, and symbolism. In “The Handsomest Drowned Man”, Gabriel Garcia Marquez uses the drowned man to develop his message that even though individuals may not know someone directly, they can still have an impact on their life. For instance, after the islanders had found the drowned man and prepared him for burial, they proceeded to create an intriguing personality for him. Due to this creation of personality, the islanders noticed how drab and boring their lives and surroundings were. So, they proceeded to brighten the world around them by planting flowers, reconstructing their homes, and painting them. These islanders created a wonderful personality of the drowned man and observed …show more content…

In the story, Marquez shows many events where he talks about how the women and men fall in love with Esteban in their own ways. This is situational irony because you would expect the islanders to bury or cremate Esteban. Instead they kept him and worshipped him. This is very strange and unusual because Esteban was not living. The islanders made him what they wanted him to be. He could have been a murderer for all they knew. Marquez showed irony by telling how the islanders worshipped Esteban, the dead man! Marquez gets his point across by showing that even though the man was dead and none of the islanders knew him, they still treated him with respect and showed that they cared. Therefore, Marquez has shown that you can be affected by someone else even if you don’t know them

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