The Great Gatsby Perspective Analysis

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Gatsby’s Perspective I purposely sent only one invitation to my party. That one was sent to Nick Carraway. I’m hoping he comes, I have been knowing of him for a while now. I wanted to finally meet him personally, hoping the old sport could simply help me connect with the the love of my life Daisy. We had a thing about 5 years ago, we were deeply in love, inseparable. I went off to war but we lost touch somehow, she had fallen for another man & go married. I was there, at the party, simply waiting for the one person, Nick, asking to speak or see Gatsby with an invitation. There he was, i was of course happy to meet him, it feels like I had been knowing him for a while now. He felt like a genuine friend. Nick bumped into a friend of Daisy’s, Jordan. I couldn’t find myself to tell him about my feelings. I pulled Jordan aside & asked her to swear she’d never tell what I told her, the fact that was still in love with her best friend. …show more content…

It's been a long day, introducing Nick to the important people in my life. I decided to let him in on my life to clear up any rumors that he’s heard from anyone on the outside. After this long day I finally took him home. He said 3 words before entering his home, ‘I’ll do it”. Confusingly I questioned him. He explained to me that he’d set up a tea date for Daisy & I. I figured Jordan must’ve told him what I told her at the party. I wanted this just to be us & her husband Tom was not to be invited. The Dark skies suddenly seemed bright & my heart was racing, after Nick’s offer. I was so thankful & also speechless. I insisted he didn't do this but in my heart i know this has been what i wanted for so long. I was thinking of all the things that Daisy & I had to catch up up . I left Nick’s home joyous & excited. I went home & thought of all the things that could go wrong, then dreamt of all the things that could

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