The Great Gatsby Daisy Quotes

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Daisy Buchanan is a beautiful, charming young woman who plays a major role in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby. She is the woman Jay Gatsby, devotes and risk his life for since he met her five years ago. Daisy has many different personalities and is very indecisive throughout the novel. She puts wealth and pride before everything, even if it means getting someone killed. Daisy is originally from Louisville, Kentucky where she was born into a life full of riches and luxuries. She was famous to everyone in town for being admired by men and soldiers, where she met Gatsby when he was a soldier. Gatsby soon falls for Daisy over her wealth, charm, and the way men wanted her, which in Gatsby’s eyes made her even more valuable. Gatsby …show more content…

She is feeling low and wants to drive to get her mind off things, not surprisingly Gatsby let her charm him once again. On the way back to The Buchanan’s, a woman runs in the middle of the road and Daisy doesn’t slow down. Daisy hits her and kills her, but the most tragic part was that she didn’t stop. Tom sees all the commotion on the way back and stops by. Tom discovers it is his mistress who Daisy hit; he begins to talk to Mr. Wilson her grieving husband. Mr. Wilson describes the car and Tom tells him it was Gatsby. Gatsby let everyone believe that knows what happened, what Tom said is true, and Daisy’s selfish ways doesn’t stop him. A few days later, Mr. Wilson hunts down Gatsby and shoots him, and right after shoots himself. Daisy never spoke the truth, and her and Tom leaves town immediately. Daisy’s selfishness and pride make her directly responsible for Myrtle Wilson’s death; and indirectly responsible for George Wilson’s and Gatsby’s. Neither Daisy nor Tom goes to Gatsby’s funeral because ‘they were careless people who smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back to their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together and let other people clean up the mess they

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