The Gang Monologue

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I'm on the run from a man I don't really know. He keeps following me and it's kinda scary. He looks kinda crooked but he dressed very nice. Maybe he's a stalker. Wait I have a stalker. This is not okay I need to run and hide before he hurts me. Why won't this man just leave me alone. I don't like him and I can't stand to see him. I fear this man that is following me. How do I get away. Maybe if I run around in circles he will leave. Silly me how would that help me will just get dizzy. The man that is following me has a brief case. What is inside of this brief case. Maybe there are tools that can kill me but wait if he wanted to kill me he would of done it already. The man I keep running from is still following me I have been able to find a

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