How Did The Great Terror Lead To Joseph Stalin's Death

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I know you 've heard of a terrible and cruel dictator taking over and killing anything and everything that gets in his way of what he wants, but you might not have heard of this tragic and historic event. The Great Terror, also known as The Blood Purges of 1936 to 1938, was a series of horrific and barbaric assassinations based on the actions of Joseph Stalin. The purges began in October 1936 and ended in November 1938. The Great Terror occurred in the Soviet Union, but mainly in the city of Moscow. The purges were killings that were directly towards government officials, political leaders, leading cultural figures, followers of those figures, and even civilians. The many men and women Joseph Stalin killed or had killed were because they either …show more content…

His reign was during the peak of the Soviet Union 's power. Stalin was a cruel and harsh leader who was fascinated by power. He had incredible power and great influential skills. Many of Joseph 's associates and comrades said that he was magnificent because of his crazed way of leading, and even they tended to fear him. He was always determined to stay in control, and he came up with schemes and plans to eliminate anything he disliked. He would always try to stay one step ahead of other countries and try to begin new projects which seemed to fail. Joseph Stalin had many people suffering and killed when he was …show more content…

Stalin had twenty-one trials throughout the Blood Purges, but he had four key trials. Almost every Bolshevik participant in the revolution was imprisoned because of his hatred towards them. Most of the men imprisoned were political leaders that were a threat to Stalin. His first greatly known trial was the sixteenth trial which took place in late 1936. That trial involved Zinoviev, Kamenev, Smirnov, and Rachkovsky. His next trial was the seventeenth one which was in January 1937. That one included Pyatakov, Serebryakov, Muralov, Sokolnikov, and Radek. The twenty-first trial was the final one, and that one was very important. It 's important because it involved the Red Army generals. The generals were Rykov, Bukharin, Krestinsky, Rakovsky, and Yagoda. Also if you were arrested and imprisoned, you must 've been a member of the Red Army. The Red Army was a common name for the Russian National Military Forces. The army lasted from 1918 to 1946. The Red Army was created after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. The Red Army was a massive and strong army, but they had no intellect or skills. Stalin of course had many who had animosity towards him, and the generals of the Red Army sure did. They betrayed him during World War II, and he had them all imprisoned. He wanted them to be tortured and feel pain because of their

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