Summary Of Granny Torrelli's Kitchen

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The story mainly takes place in Granny Torrelli’s kitchen. “Granny Torrelli comes over, says she’s in charge of me tonight, she wants soup, Zuppa she calls it”. Another example from the text “Granny Torelli starts rooting in the refrigerator, selecting celery (that’s your green, she says), carrots (that’s your orange she says), onions and mushrooms (that’s our white I say). She reaches into the freezer, snatches some chicken, flips it into the microwave, zaps it to defrost. Gets the big red pot, fills it with water, tosses in salt and pepper and a dash of soy sauce. hands me a knife. We chop,chop,chop, fling it in the pot, such a good smell bubbling in the kitchen”. While they make soup in the kitchen Granny Torrelli tells stories about when

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