Streetcar Named Desire Monologue

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Next, Emily lived in great big mansion all alone, except for a maid who she barely saw. No one besides those two entered the house and it soon became a mystery. One a the foreman of a construction company caught her eye. Emily and Homer soon fell in love, but they both had different ideas for the future. One day Homer entered the house and never made it back out. Emily wanted to hold onto Homer’s young soul forever, to never age and cherish the love they had. When Emily died Homer was found, ”The body had apparently once lain in the attitude of an embrace, but now the long sleep that outlasts love, that conquers even the grimace of love, had cuckolded him.” Their love was finally over, but when had it really ended? Hiding from the past, Blanche …show more content…

Blanche comes to live with Stella for a little while and soon realizes that her sister’s relationship is very unhealthy. One they return while the men were playing poker and within a minutes Stanley is already yelling at her. After Stella refuses to turn off the radio a big fight ensues and Stanley hits Stella who runs off to Eunice’s. Blanche explains viciously, “He acts like an animal, has an animal's habits! Eats like one, moves like one, talks like one! There's even something--sub-human--something not quite to the stage of humanity yet.” Her love for her sister astonishes Stella and Eunice, but that doesn’t stop nature from taking its course. Blanche realizes that these fights have occurred before and they continue to go back to each other. Their unhealthy relationship startles Blanche and she continues to try and change her sister’s path. Nonetheless, Emily has tried to do the same exact thing. Homer became a part of her that she never wanted to let go and she was afraid that as time passed he would leave. Emily, in the face of love and fear devised a plan to keep Homer a part of her family forever, “But what you want is--""Arsenic," Miss Emily said. "Is that a good one?" "Is . . . arsenic? Yes, ma'am. But what you want--""I want arsenic." Emily wants so bad to keep her family, but knows that in the present Homer will, so she “freezes” him time. Emily keeps her young Homer in bed with her for years before anyone realizes what had actually happened here. Even though Emily’s choice of helping family was fatal, both characters tried the best they could to fight for what they

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