Socialization Reflection Paper

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Socialization is learning what is expected from us by the people we are interacting with. We learn what is considered normal and how to interact with others. Socialization also gives us the ability to learn what is not acceptable behavior and the negative treatment that can come along with behaving outside of the norm (New York University Department of Sociology, 2013). It is beneficial to reflect on educational experience as a site of socialization because for the majority of us, this is our first real, complete, and honest experience of socialization. We may receive leniency or special treatment from our parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles because we are younger and cute. They do not expect the same level of standards for behavior as peers who …show more content…

Elementary school is where most people learn how to interact with peers outside of their families. It is also where you learn how to follow leaders and the directions they provide to you. Without the basics of reading, math, and problem solving, you would not be successful in higher grades. The struggle of catching up may discourage you from trying. This can cause you to drop out or not even attempt to continue on to college. The result may limit your job options and money making capacity, which leads into the second function, economic outcomes. The more education you have, the greater chance you will find the job of your dreams. Not only with higher pay, but with less physical requirements, increased probability of a leadership position, and improved overall working conditions that can lead to enhanced health with a longer life expectancy (New York University Department of Sociology, 2013). I was lucky to have teachers in my elementary school who were devoted to teach. They explained what going to college would mean and encouraged us by having college prep classes in 5th grade. We had a career week when past students at our school came in

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