Similarities Between Tom Robinson And Boo Radley

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A young, black father sits in a courtroom waiting. Sweat streaks down his face as he hears his fate- “Guilty”. Aside from the fact that in his heart he knew he was innocent. This is a scene from the novel To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee. Tom Robinson and Boo Radley are the most innocent in this story; therefore, representing symbols of mockingbirds. The two characters, Tom Robinson and Boo Radley appear to be most like mockingbirds because of their innocence. When Harper Lee wrote about Tom Robinson’s parts of the story it showed us somewhat it was like to be black in a time with lots of racism. The unfairness in life dependent on your skin color was conveyed well through Tom’s experiences. Also when Harper Lee showed and told about Boo Radley she conveyed the theme of walking in another's shoes. Boo had some mental issues and did not act the same as most. He could not help himself with certain actions and others were unable to understand that. Also Tom showed readers …show more content…

One reason he is considered a mockingbird is because he was innocent in his case. He did not attack Mayella. Tom says “She says for me to kiss her back. And I said, Miss Mayella, let me outta here, an’ I tried to run. Mr Ewell cussed at her from the window and said he’s gonna kill her.” (Lee,). Another reason he is considered to be a mockingbird is because Mayella attacked him. She tried to get him to be inappropriate with her even though she knew what would happen to him. Finally, he is innocent and considered to be a mockingbird because, after found guilty he was shot seventeen times. They could have killed him in another less viscous way. Others may not agree with Tom’s innocence because he may have raped Mayella. ALthough that is a thought, he did not. He could not have raped her with his story. What was said shows clearly that he did not and could not rape her. This explains Tom’s connection to being a

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