Significance Of Materialism In The Great Gatsby

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Wealth is something that many people strive for throughout the course of their lives. With the accumulation of wealth, it is easy to become materialistic and desire things that are out of one’s reach. In The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, many of the characters have materialistic tendencies. West and East Egg contain two types of people: those who come from old money, and those who come from new. Despite the contrasting ways they came into wealth, those who come from new and old money have little to no empathy for others and are driven by the need to accumulate wealth. The themes of the desire to build social status, wealth, materialism are present throughout The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and are emphasized through the use of …show more content…

The luminous green light represents everything that Gatsby desires in life. While Gatsby waited to reunite with his former love Daisy Buchanan, the gleaming light was a constant reminder of his hopes and dreams for the future, and how he would obtain them. One night, Nick encountered Gatsby standing on the edge of his dock while Gatsby “stretched out his arms toward the dark water in a curious way, …[Nick] glanced seaward – and distinguished nothing except a single green light” (Fitzgerald 25-26). Gatsby’s outward motion to the green light exemplifies the significance that it has on his life. The light symbolizes the physical and emotional distance between Gatsby and Daisy. In his mind, Gatsby believes that the more wealth he accumulates, the more impressed Daisy will be with his life, and it will cause her to reciprocate Gatsby’s feelings once again. Gatsby believes that the more impressive items he purchases and displays in his home, the happier that his life will be. He looks to the green light for reassurance and direction. As Gatsby gazes across the bay to the light shining from Daisy’s home, he is filled with the idea that money can help recreate his past. Gatsby is blinded by the belief that money will be able to fix all of his problems. As he becomes more obsessed with his dream that lies past the green light across the bay, the more …show more content…

Symbols also play a large part in the novel. The eyes of Doctor T.J Eckleburg, the green light shining from Daisy’s mansion, and the Valley of Ashes all hold significant roles that shape the course of the story. The green light shapes the way that Gatsby lives his life and what he is fueled by. The light symbolizes his ever-present love for Daisy and the distance that separates them. Peering over Gatsby and the rest of New York, the eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg gaze over the city and look at the city with judgmental eyes. Doctor T.J. Eckleburg sees the horrors that are caused by society and the upper class. Those who live in the Valley of Ashes are forced to live in the shadow of the upper-class every day. The ash and dust from the busy city flood into the valley and suffocates all of those who live

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