Romeo And Juliet Tragedy Analysis

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The story of Romeo and Juliet is an inevitable tragedy. Many events take place, which are quite detrimental to the love Romeo and Juliet have for one another. By mentioning marriage and death together, Shakespeare foreshadows Romeo and Juliet's tragic ending. From the very beginning of the play throughout and to the end, there has always been the intent of a tragedy, and Shakespeare uses much dramatic irony to express this. In Act I, just upon meeting Romeo, Juliet speaks of her grave in the same context as her wedding. When Capulet's party is breaking up in Act I scene V, Juliet sends her Nurse to find out Romeo's name. Juliet has already decided, "If he be married. / My grave is like to be my wedding bed" (1.5.135). She is saying that if Romeo is married, she will die unmarried. Without even knowing if her feelings are mutual she decides she will marry none other but Romeo. She is unknowingly foreshadowing her fate, in which her grave does become her wedding bed. The same night, when Romeo comes to visit Juliet, she expresses her fear for Romeo's safety. Rromeo replies "Life we...

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